This week we went above and beyond: we released all nine of our planned levels! The dev team worked hard to complete the grow ability with both the mechanics and assets. Maps for levels 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, and 5 were completed in Unity and thoroughly playtested. Furthermore, some bugs were fixed including the bug with the ability switching during cooldown and the button misalignment.
Here's samples of the two environmental objects you can affect with the grow ability:

We updated our public release on Itch as well as published on a new platform: Newgrounds. This was a big success as we received three reviews and passed the judgment phase quickly. Here's one of the reviews:
this is very unique the way the powers mix and match... I will be playing more of this and updating but I already say this is great it plays well and is responsive.
With development, we will wrap up adding in sound effects and begin polishing up our game. We hope to add in cutscenes to give more context for the story and overall fix any remaining bugs.
On the management side, we continue to regularly post on social media. We also gave our investor pitch and reflection presentation. You can find it here. Finally, we finished creating our poster for our convention next week! All of our marketing materials, website, and other deliverables are also complete for the end of the class.
Please look forward to our final release next week with all the game polish, and we hope to see you visit us at the convention!